Sunday, November 20, 2011


Prompt: Thank Him for the unexpected.

We all have plans, ideal living conditions, ideal jobs, ideal families, ect. And our God does often put these plans and thoughts in our minds and on our hearts and if it is His, He will make it happen for us. There are also many things in our lives that are not quite according to our personal plans.
I had expectations for myself that I thought were simply going to come to be. I had plans for my life that I didn't see changing or going any other way. Man, was I off. I am not going to lie and say that I was content with things while they were going awry, but looking at my life the way it is right now, in this moment, I am very happy with where He has me.
Thank you, God, for the things that have happened and the surprises that are yet to come. I am thankful that the Lord is a much better, much more committed planner than I am and that no matter what happens, He is in control. I am thankful that He has blessed me with all of my wonderful people; all of those who help me to grow and to love deeper. Thank You so much, Father, for exceeding my expectations with things I would have never come up with myself. Thank you for seeing the big picture and knowing what is best all along. Thank you, for the unexpected.

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