Thursday, November 17, 2011

Someone(s) Special

Prompt: Thank Him for someone special.

The idea of choosing only one of the many special people in my life is very difficult for me. 
So I am not going to do it. 
Instead, I am going to thank Him for three very special people. My brothers.

I know that if it weren't for them I would be a completely different person than I am today. 
Memories hit me in waves lately. Not just little waves like you  might see on a lake. I am talking 1,720 ft. waves (yes, that is the actual size of the largest wave ever recorded; just a coincidence, I'm sure). I am so thankful that my childhood memories of school days, holidays, summers, bed time, everything, are filled with happy moments I shared with my brothers.

Throwing apples from our trees as we waited for the bus during the first weeks of school.
Camping trips that ended early due to the tsunami that hit (or just a big rain storm).
Christmas mornings, waking each other up just so we could go sit on the steps and wait for mom to find the camera and take the traditional picture of the four sleepy children eager for presents (and caramel rolls).
Waiting till we knew our parents were almost to the bottom of the steps and yelling for them to come back up before we went to sleep. 
Rolling down the hill in the back yard.
Jumping on the trampoline (for hours on end).
Sports. Sports. Sports.
Being hushed in church for whispers and giggles.
Sitting on the big balloon blanket eating pizza while watching "TGIF" on TV in the living room.
Secretly competing to see who could find the most Easter eggs before we ever went outside to find them.

The list goes on. And I know that the list will continue to go on. In our early adult lives there have already been so many new memories being made.

I know that I am blessed to have the three wonderful brothers I have. Each of them brings something different to the table, yet they're all very much alike in certain ways. And I love them.

Thank you God, for Cole, Chase, and Lynk. My life wouldn't be as incredible as it is without each of them.


Who is someone you are thankful for?

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