Tuesday, September 6, 2011

On the Road.... {again}

This past weekend my family embarked on yet another trip down to Evansville, Indiana. Although the overall purpose of this trip was not simply for enjoyment, we did have a lot of fun. With five of us packed into the car on the way down, the 13 hours spent on the road were anything but dull. Of course, there were spurts of sleep here and there, and considering the time we departed from Elk River, rightfully so. Nonetheless there were many entertaining moments in the car that made the sardine-like seating not so bad afterall. Below are some pictures of the road trip taken by my phone's camera, so not the highest quality photo you've ever seen, but it captures the moment (for the most part).
It was a dreary beginning to a long trip. Rain fell almost the whole time we were in Wisconsin.
After hours of rain, finally some sunshine joined us.
And with the sunshine came the next state: Illinois!
If only we knew how long we would be in Illinois, maybe we would have appreciated Wisconsin a little more...

Somehow, even though he grew up in Evansville, IN, my father found a way to get us lost... We drove on this "highway" for a long time before we finally made it back out to the interstate. What we didn't know was that there are places in Illinois where the highways are only wide enough for one vehicle and although the roads do not seem to be patrolled by officers of any sort, the bumps and potholes take care of any speeding issues. Miles and miles of corn.

^ The simple life. ^
Luckily for us, Aunt Jule packed us a lovely care package with ranch pretzels, sweet corn chip chex mix, starburst, granola bars, nips caramels and of course four delicious flavors of gum! Thanks Aunt Jule- you saved our trip!
I also kept busy by continuing to knit my very first scarf. I am so glad Grandma Jackie taught me how to knit. It will be a forever great memory and past time.

As we got to Indiana, the sun was setting. If only I had a great camera to capture the beautiful scenery; my phone hardly does the sky any justice. It was gorgeous!

Despite getting lost and adding an hour or so to our trip, we made it! It was so good to get to Evansville and spend time with the family. Whenever all of the family is gathered in one place good conversation is a guarantee! Sitting in Grandma and Grandpa's living room with kids playing on the floor and people talking all at the same time I could feel the love that filled the room. Although Grandma Jackie is no longer able to join us physically, she will always be with each of us in our hearts and minds. The memorial service held for her on Saturday was beautiful. I will forever be greatful to her and grandpa for starting such a beautiful family.
"When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory!"
"O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, when the peaceful happy moments roll; when Jesus shows His smiling face, there is sunshine in my soul."

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