Posts. Time. Excercise. Organization. Sleep. Energy. Coffee.
This week has been very exciting and very busy. Which is why there are no recent posts. I don't know what makes me feel worse; the fact that you, my readers, have not had anything to help you pass the time, or that I have not had a creative outlet for the past week. Probably both. Regardless, I am back. And I think I have my new schedule down so I may post more regularly.
So here is a quick update:
1. I started my new job on Wednesday and I love it! I could write a whole post about it, and probably will soon, so for now I will just say that I am very happy to be an EA at Axtell Park Middle School.
1.a. Thanks to my new job I got to buy some new clothes.
1.b. And a new lunch bag.
1.c. I think I will always love school.
2. I transformed some clip-on earrings into real earrings for my mom to wear to my brother's wedding (which is merely 20 days away).
2.a. They're really pretty.
2.b. And dangly.
2.c. And not boring. ;)
3. My parents are in town for tonight and tomorrow. They came down "on their way" home from visiting Lynk up at NDSU.
3.a. Sioux Falls is nowhere near "on the way" home.
3.b. I am glad they are here.
4. I have begun another wonderful project, but cannot really say much about it just yet.
4.a. As soon as it is complete I will be very eager and happy to tell you all about it.
4.b. Patience.
5. I am pretty sure my total weekly consumption of coffee was a single cup.
5.a. Not sufficient.
5.b. This week will definitely be a different story, or I may not make it to the weekend.
6. My parents brought with them a few essential items, including, but not limited to: my coffee maker, a bag of coffee, and my sewing machine.
6.a. Be prepared for some fun projects and some extra energy.
6.b. I am not sure how these missed my list the first time they brought stuff down, but I am definitely glad they made the trip this time!
My eyelids may not last much longer. They're being pretty defiant. And I don't think my mind can lie to them and tell them they're not tired much longer. I think I have written the majority of this post with my eyes closed (thank you Jr. High keyboarding class).
I hope all of you had a blessed week and that your weekend is going well! :)
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